        +234-705-537-0487, +234-803-307-3678
        info@rssdesign.net, rssdesign@hotmail.com
        Suite (714), Western House, Broad Street, Lagos

      Your Solution is our passion

To Participate as a Shareholder/Joint Venture Partners – Mobilizing Technology and Management.

The inexhaustible demand for new ICT Technology Solution and Services in Nigeria inspired the need for prospective partners by RSS DESIGN Limited (RC:455393).

The company has been granted copyright by the Nigeria Copyright Commission to implement some of its research and developed Information, Communication and Telecommunication Application's in the area of : HEALTH SERVICE, TAX SERVICE, PENSION SERVICE, TAXI SERVICE.

The company now wishes to spread its wings and requires joint-venture partners who are willing to invest equipment, technology and management team members for the rollout, expansion and development of this new ICT based
applications. We are in an under-developed area of a large and dynamic industry and are committed to bringing in new
ideas and expanding quickly to take advantage of our position. The company has great potential and investment would
see a very impressive return on Investment.

Nigeria is Africa number one consumer of Information, Communication and Telecommunication products and services.
It offers investors a low–cost labor pool and the largest domestic market in Africa. The privatization program of the government presents Investors with great opportunities in Information, Communication and Telecommunication services.

The demand for Technology and Application, Management are on the upswing and increasing with the available 3G network nation wide. These have provided investors, a wealth of opportunities–the rewards certainly justify the risks by large margins. If you are interested in building a strong and enduring partnership with us, kindly contact the undersigned.

Ralph Okeke (Head Project Development)

RSS Design Limited
Suite 714, Western House, Broad Street Lagos, Nigeria.



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